Les liens recommandés:
- le site de la fédération internationale : World Right to Die Organization
- vous abonner à la lettre internationale : righttodienews@finalexitnetworknews.net
- écrire à la fédération internationale : righttodienews@finalexitnetworknews.net
Les nouvelles à connnaître:
Doctors' group backs 'right to die' campaign
By Ali Bracken, March 21, 2021
"A newly formed group of GPs has proposed introducing new laws to
allow medically assisted dying, saying its rollout is possible in a
"safe and fair manner."
"In a written submission to the Oireachtas justice committee which is
considering the Dying with Dignity Bill, the 105-member Irish Doctors
supporting Medical Assistance in Dying (IDsMAiD) group says that in
certain cases of terminal illness, 'patients deserve to have their
choice respected.'
"Regulation, monitoring and reporting of assisted dying must take
place to ensure accountability and transparency and to foster trust in
the public, the group added.
"The GPs also argue that 'hypothetical fears' that such legislation
would harm Irish society are 'insufficient reason to condemn people
with terminal illness to unnecessary suffering.'"
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